Who we are
Almost everyone starts drawing before learning how to write. Some even before talking. Yet, only a few amounts of people continue drawing consistently during their everyday life.
We are part of this category, we are Designers.
The design process
A piece of paper is still the first support we use to draw our initial ideas, but the first sketch is just the beginning.
As part of the Design Process, we start checking if the scale and the proportions of our sketches work and only at this point we start drawing with the help of software. We go back and forth through this process at all stages of the project because it helps us understand if our thoughts were right.
When we are done, where do all these sketches end up? Most of the time we throw them away and lose track of the project history. Many designers use traditional sketchbooks, but these are not enough. Most of us, in fact, need tracing paper to sketch on top of the drawings or to annotate over them to not ruin the originals.
So we asked ourselves, if the Design Process is so important what can we do to make it easier?
black graphyte sketchbook
We created this new Sketchbook to ensure Designers have all they need in one single product that can be easily carried anywhere.
With our Sketchbook, you are going to look professional in any situation and, at the same time, it will allow you to draw anything without worrying too much about it.
Our Sketchbook is made by Designers for Designers and provides you with the best device to start your next project.